Search for a patent
Find details of patents registered in the UK using the ‘Search for Intellectual Property’ service.
You can also use this service to search for supplementary protection certificates (SPCs).
Use this service to:
- check if a similar patent to your invention already exists in the UK
- view who owns UK patents
- find somebody else’s patent to use
You can also check for changes to patents, including new applications or changes to applications using patents journal.
Search patents in Jersey and Guernsey
Use the Jersey patents register to search for patents in Jersey.
Use the Guernsey patents register to search for patents in Guernsey.
Search patents worldwide
Use Espacenet patent search to check for published patent applications and registered patents.
The database includes both worldwide and UK patents and details about:
- owners
- filed documents
- countries where the patent applies
Get help
Contact IPO to get help using this service.
Telephone: (0)1633 814000
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays)
Find out about call charges
You can get help in person at an IPO patent library.